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Sorting with Laser Precision & AI

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High-precision automatic nugget-by-nugget and breast strips scanning that recovers over 30% more nuggets from trim than manual labor, significantly reducing labor and improving plant efficiency. 

Laser Imaging & AI

The Smart Sorter uses laser imaging, computer-vision algorithms and AI to inspect, singulate, and sort chicken nuggets and breast strips.

Improved Consistency

It improves consistency and quality, lowers costs, and makes the process repeatable.

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Revolutionize Nugget Sorting

Dramatically improve quality, while reducing labor costs. 

Business Intelligence

Have a much deeper understanding of exactly what was processed in real-time, and have the data at your hands to make decisions to maximize their profit per pound.

Nugget and Breast Strips harvesting and trim recovery (grading) processes are labor-intensive

The use of labor leads to many significant challenges for poultry processors: 

  • High turnover, Absenteeism, High labor costs.

Using labor in the current Trim recovery (grading) process leaves 25% to 35% of high-value Nuggets on Trim.

The Opportunity 

Annual savings of $1.2M-$4.5M per year

*Assuming a nugget volume of 4,200 lbs/hr. 

Chicken nuggets SMART Sorter
Increase your trim recovery to nuggets from 25% to 35% by sending trims directly to the SMART Sorter
  • High-precision breast strips and nugget-by-nugget laser imaging and analysis bring unparalleled uniformity to meet/exceed customer specs on a single pass.

Conservative savings of 26 People
  • ​Significant Reduction in labor costs associated with trim processing and sorting.



Capacity: Nuggets 4,000 to 4,200 lbs/hr

Capacity can be increased by 25 to 30% with an upgrade plan. 

Number of lanes: 6 

Ejection: Take out conveyors 

SMART Reports: Monitor machine performance remotely with innovative reporting features that enable data-driven optimization. 

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