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Rethink Kibble Drying with the First Industrial Precision Dryer for Pet food

High-Efficiency Kibble Dryer

Precision force Laitram logo
The Precision Force™ System is a transformative drying technology designed to dry kibble faster, more efficiently, and evenly. 

The Precision Force Dryer uses high-speed, high-volume forced convection and pressure to achieve fast, even, consistent drying.​

Shorten Dry Times by 40 to 75%, increase production, and reduce rework and waste.

Increased Yield 1 to 3% with unmatched airflow and control that drastically reduce shrink

Kibble Precision Force Dryer

Fast, Precise and Even Drying. Uniform Moisture, Color, & Texture

Maximize drying performance with Lower Temperatures without sacrificing capacity.

Superior air flow at lower temperatures produces a more evenly dried, palatable product​.


Wall-mounted fans drive vast amounts of air through the kibble bed, resulting in shorter drying times and unmatched consistency and evenness throughout the entire width and depth of the kibble bed.

  • Minimize waste, eliminating fines from 3% to 0.05%. 

  • Efficient even cooling is included with single-pass air in each cooling zone. 

  • Bring the product to a stable temperature for coating or packing out.

  • Operations Charts Available Instantly on the Controls Panel​

Petfood Precision force dryer
Kibble Precision force dryer

About Precision Force Dryer

The Forced-Convection Precision Technology uses high-speed, high-volume forced-convection technology, much like an air fryer, to dry kibble faster, more efficiently, and with improved yields and palatability.

This maximizes throughput, reduces dry times, enhances palatability, and minimizes operating costs. This system prioritizes product quality and process value while ensuring food safety.

Minimal Operating Costs

Modular System to Accommodate Varying Hourly Capacities

Independently-Controlled Drying & Cooling Zones

Operations Charts Available Instantly on Controls Panel

Open, Sanitary Stainless Steel Design with Steam Sanitation Cycle & Automated Belt Cleaner​

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